Design of a water and wastewater infrastructure Master Plan for Al-Karak Governorate (Lot 1)

Project details
Project volume: 
963,336 €
Value of services: 
963,336 €
Start of project: 
March, 2023
End of project: 
August, 2024
Project background: 

Aqaba Water Company (AW) is a limited liability company which owns and operates all water production and distribution assets and sewage collection and treatment assets in the Governorate of Aqaba, and bills and collects all associated charges from the customers served. It operates with stand-alone finance and management resources. 85% of its shares are owned by the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), an independent administrative body subordinated to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) which governs public water supply and wastewater service in Jordan, 15% are owned by Aqaba Development Company, which is owned fully by the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, the development arm of the GoJ in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone.

On 15 December 2021, the WAJ signed a management contract with AW to manage the water and wastewater services in the Al-Karak, Tafilah, and Ma’an governorates, thus expanding the service area of AW to cover all southern governorates of Jordan. The phased implementation started in Ma’an on 1 January 2022, in Tafila on 1 April 2022, and in Al-Karak on 1 July 2022. AW has not experienced this size of service area before.

In addition, the GoJ is planning to construct the Aqaba Amman Water Desalination and Conveyance Project “National Conveyor”. This project is designed to desalinate and convey water from Aqaba to Amman and the southern and northern regions. Consequently, improvements to all recipient water supply systems are necessitated to properly handle the additional water quantities and changes in resources.

Service description: 

Work package 1 - Conceptual design stage

  1. Data collection, investigation and analyses
  2. Mapping
  3. Field survey of existing system facilities and networks
  4. Review of the operation of the existing system
  5. Detailed energy assessment planning, preparation and data acquisition
  6. Preparation of design criteria
  7. Population and demand project
  8. Existing water distribution system hydraulic modelling
  9. Existing wastewater collection system hydraulic modelling


Work package 2 - Master Plan and preliminary design stage

  1. Future water system hydraulic model at 5 year intervals
  2. Future wastewater system hydraulic model at 5 year intervals
  3. Restructuring and rehabilitation results
  4. Preliminary design drawings
  5. Identification of a priority program for systems improvement
  6. Investment costs

Overall objective:

The programme’s objective is to improve the population’s living conditions and climate resilience and Jordan’s stability by providing secure access to water and sustainable wastewater treatment. The technical cooperation module will improve the performance of the three Jordanian water utilities and of the Water Authority of Jordan in terms of water supply as well as wastewater treatment and reuse. It will endeavour to reduce the physical and administrative water losses in selected water supply areas and ensure safe operation of wastewater treatment plants in the project region in permanent compliance with chemical, biological and physical minimum standards.

Specific objective:

Preparation of a Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan for Al-Karak Governorate

The contractor contributes to achieving the target indicator for output 5.1 described in this document. The overall objective is for a specialized engineering services firm to prepare a water and wastewater Master Plan and detailed hydraulic models for Al-Karak governorate. The scope of this consultancy is focused on providing sector-specific advice on the technical analysis of water and wastewater distribution and infrastructure in the Al-Karak governorate, prioritising repair and rehabilitation measures.

This plan is intended to assist the MWI, WAJ and AW with decisions on cost-effective resource allocation and capital investment priorities to meet municipal water needs through the year 2050, environmental sustainability, expected sanitary loads, sanitation solutions, projected sewers capacity, reuse of the treated sewage effluent (TSE) and effective operation and maintenance. It takes into consideration expected population growth, demand trends, expected water loss reductions as per the new NRW water strategy (2022-2040), and the suite of currently planned strategic projects, particularly the national conveyor project that is expected to contribute to the water supply within the planning period.


The Al-Karak Master Plan outputs will later on be combined with the Aqaba, Ma’an, and Tafileh Governorates Water Master Plans (which are currently in preparation under another project funded by USAID). This comprehensive Water Master Plan for the four southern governorates will provide the national water infrastructure Master Plan with the details needed for identifying the future water investments. The hydraulic model for the southern governorates will be a key input to the AW investment plan and will also be an input to an overall detailed hydraulic model for the entire kingdom (northern, middle and southern governorates) – the latter being a tool to support the Government of Jordan (GoJ) to achieve measurable improvement within, and greater sustainability of, the water sector. It will provide a solid platform for the MWI to decide on water allocation and additional resources needed and their timing. Most importantly, the hydraulic models and master plans will guide sector investments by properly addressing priorities among existing and planned water and wastewater infrastructure systems.


The consultancy is expected to accomplish the following main outcomes:

  1. Development of a calibrated hydraulic model (HM), including hydraulic network analysis and calibration, taking into consideration intended future water resources, operation schemes and system expansions.
  2. Preparation of an Infrastructure Master Plan and development of capital investment priorities for Al-Karak governorate to meet the municipal water needs through 2050 for the project area, taking into consideration the anticipated NRW reduction as per the new NRW strategy.