In its capacity as Project Executing Agency, the SCU will act as owner and facilitator of the project. The public universities as final beneficiaries of the implementation of the project under the political umbrella of the SCU will step in during project implementation and form an integral part of the project through bilateral agreements or sub-contracts with the SCU for project participation.
The financing for the overall project is provided through funding via German-Egyptian Cooperation. In this aspect, the KFW Development Bank on behalf of the German Government acts as development financing partner of the project in a contractual relationship with the Central Bank of Egypt and SCU. Main purpose of financing is the installation of EE measures as well as appertaining measures necessary for successful project realisation.
A Management Consultant shall be procured and installed and together with the SCU form a Project Implementing Unit (PIU) for preparation and implementation of the project. The Management Consultant is to support SCU in all project tasks. Such project tasks comprise inter alia the support, consultancy and execution of the organizational setup and project coordination, selection process of participating universities and project structurizing actions such as sub-project contracts between the SCU / PIU and Universities. In a next step, procurement of firms for supply and installation of EE items is to be executed. For reasons of quantification, the numerical effects of energy savings shall be elaborated throughout the project.
The mission and assignment is to assist, consult and accompany the SCU throughout the implementation of the project alongside the project description and by fulfilment of the following detailed tasks. By virtue of the contracts between SCU and KFW, the execution of the Project according to the described tasks, deliveries and time schedules in this Terms of Reference is to be performed. In the context of an internationally designed project with parties such as SCU, KFW, the Central Bank of Egypt and the Ministry of Higher Education, the coordination and efficient implementation is key to a succesful result of the intended goals of the project.