Support for Project Preparation for Urban Progress (SuPPUrbP) – City Climate Finance Gap Fund

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
936,500 €
Value of services: 
655,550 €
Start of project: 
December, 2021
End of project: 
September, 2025
Project description: 

GIZ has received a grant from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to implement the activities in relation to the City Climate Finance Gap Fund. The main task of this assignment is to provide advisory services to cities and municipalities worldwide in the preparation of climate mitigation or adaptation infrastructure projects (“investment projects”) in the energy sector. Approximately 12 projects are to be prepared within the contract period. In addition to the support to the cities, the JV provides technical expertise to advise the project on general technical issues related to the preparation and implementation of energy-related climate change mitigation activities in an urban context and their effectiveness.

Key activities of this assignment are the establishment, coordination and administration of pools of international (and national) experts and the implementation of the technical assistance (TA) packages respectively the advisory of the project staff by these experts.

Service description: 

Renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the field of climate mitigation and adaptation are to be carried out. The support will be on the level of the project preparatory phase up to the elaboration of pre-feasibility studies (early window support). The services comprise:

  • Elaboration of short proposals for each work package upon specific ToR shared by GIZ
  • Carry out missions to the project region and elaborate related studies

Examples for TA packages:

  • Technical, organizational and/or legal advice to private and public stakeholders through virtual communication or project visits
  • Preparation of reports, studies, assessments, analyses, legal declarations, publications, presentations and/or other documents related to individual city energy investment projects
  • Development of pre-feasibility studies and/or components of pre-feasibility and or feasibility studies
  • Preparing environmental impact assessments or other assessments necessary for energy related projects
  • Preliminary assessment of economic and financial sustainability
  • Advice in preparing funding applications for a project
  • Planning and implementation of physical or virtual/online workshops, training courses or information events, including the necessary logistics (e.g. venues, catering, accommodation and transport, allowances for participants upon agreement with GIZ and partners)

The first assignment is expected in the field of solar rooftop electrification in Argentina.
