Reform of Water Sector Programme (Phase II) - Support the data collection on water and sanitation for the implementation of the ECAM tool in 6 selected commercial utilities

Project details
Associated enterprises: 
Project volume: 
194,300 €
Value of services: 
194,300 €
Start of project: 
July, 2021
End of project: 
January, 2023
Project background: 

The GIZ Reform of the Water Sector Programme Phase two (RWS II) builds on the experience and the cooperation of the first phase of the Programme. The RWS II programme aims at improving the conditions for transparent planning and implementation processes for ensuring water and sanitation services (WSS), as well as competence development for professionals in the water and sanitation sector. The Programme will provide advisory and capacity development work in four action areas: Sector policy support; District WASH management in Luapula; Urban WASH and industrial wastewater management in Lusaka and nationally; and Jobs and skills development in Lusaka, Luapula and nationally.

Service description: 
  • Desk review and producing an inception report annexed with an implementation plan
  • Carry out a data needs and data management assessment of the six selected CUs based on the provided data requirements needed for the ECAM and SFD tools
  • Assess the availability, status, functionality and frequency of calibration of wastewater flow measuring equipment at the CUs
  • Assess knowledge and skills of Laboratory staff in the 6 CUs to undertake key wastewater and faecal sludge2 quality tests
  • Support the 6 selected CUs in producing an SFD
  • Support the 6 CUs in producing an ECAM baseline
  • Conduct a validation workshop with all relevant stakeholders to get a joint approval on the baseline data for each utility
  • Compile key recommendations on flow measurements, sampling sites and analysis of COD and BOD, energy efficiency and reduction of GHG emissions by the selected CUs
  • Compile recommendations on energy efficiency and reduction of GHG emissions in general (concrete) national recommendations
  • Conduct a workshop with NWASCO on the possible integration of energy efficiency and GHG emission reduction by the CUs into the NWASCO guidelines/annual CUs performance reports
  • Support with the development of upgraded NWASCO NDC reporting to ZEMA

Overall project objective: The RWS II Programme, under action area 3 ‘Urban WASH and industrial wastewater management’, aims to support the improvement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting for six (6) selected CUs through the implementation and use of the Energy Performance and Carbon Emissions Assessment and Monitoring (ECAM) Tool and to support the development of national guidlines on energy efficiency and the reduction of GHG emissions through NWASCO.

Specific objective: The purpose of this consultancy is to support the strengthening of the data availability and data management processes at six (6) commercial utilities (CU) that will go towards better service provision, informed decision making and planning, and efficiency. These CUs include Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company Ltd., Lukanga Water Supply and Sanitation Company, Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company, Nkana Water Supply and Sanitation Company, and Southern Water Supply and Sanitation Company. Firstly, this assignment will include a desk review of the Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) methodology and ECAM data requirements (i.e. energy consumption, pumping efficiency, treatment technologies, capacity and efficiency), data needs and a data management assessment at the CUs. Secondly, technical support will be provided to the CUs to enable operators to produce SFDs and to carry out ECAM data monitoring and to develop concrete recommendations on energy efficiency and reduction of GHG emissions.Finally the consult will develop recommendations on energy efficiency and the reduction of GHG emissions on national level and shall provide support for integration of the same into NWASCO guidelines and NDC reporting to ZEMA. 
