Overall objective:
The NWSS Strategy, with its associated Action Plan, is intended to develop, modernize and reform Egypt's WSS towards efficiently meeting: (i) the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) on water and sanitation; (ii) the Sustainable Development Strategy of Egypt’s vision 2030; and (iii) the requirements of the Water and Sanitation Sector Strategy 2050. The Strategy must address the multiplicity and complexity of issues through:
- Ensure access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, especially the poor;
- Improve water quality; enhance wastewater treatment for the purpose of recycling and safe reuse;
- Implement integrated water resource management;
- Enhance the financial sustainability of the sector;
- Strengthen the capacities and governance framework of the sector institutions;
- Increase water-use efficiency across the sector; and
- Strengthen the participation of local communities, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Health to improve water and sanitation management, while improving the long-term sustainability, accountability and resilience of affordable service provision.
It will enable the Government to align all the internal and external stakeholders on a shared vision, on achievable goals for the sector.
Specific objective:
Stage 1 - Analytics, review of all the available documents including the legal, institutional, human resources, regulatory framework sector financing plan, strategy for private sector participation and Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA). Development of thematic reports, with consultation and evidence-based analyses and recommendations
Stage 2 - Strategy Development, preparation of a synthetic report including proposed sector vision, goals and priorities, and all building blocks of the Strategy, integrating the relevant conclusions and trade-offs from the white papers and consultations
Stage 3 - Action Plan, planning of activities required to operationalize and Implement the strategy. Will identify responsibilities, resources and time sequences of actions necessary for implementation of the Strategy, including a roadmap and timeline for the proposed actions. Pertaining to the gradual implementation of institutional reforms, and to the appropriation of financial resources required for sector development, including short, medium and long-term plans.