This project concerns the development of an integrated waste management system in 8 municipalities in the Elbasan Area (Elbasan, Belsh, Librazhd, Prrenjas, Rrogozhine, Cerrik, Peqin & Gramsh) that will improve the living conditions of around 500,000 citizens and resolve the significant environmental and operational problems related to waste generation and management. The integrated solid waste management (ISWM) system foreseen in the Elbasan Area will be implement through a public private partnership (PPP) agreement already signed in 2015. A waste incineration plant (processing capacity of around 51,100 tons/year & an electricity generation capacity of 2.9 MWh per year) as well as a new sanitary landfill have already been constructed in Elbasan, about 50 kilometres from Tirana. It is foreseen that all waste collected in the Waste Zone Elbasan will be delivered to the waste incineration plant. The Waste to Energy (WtE) Plant (operational since 2017, with a capacity of 120-140 t/day) is operated through a concession contract (2017- 2024). After 2024, this WtE plant will be handed over to the Municipalities for administration, therefore a joint company for managing this facility in Elbasan is in need to be created.
Currently, only the Municipalities Elbasan, Cerrik and Belsh since March 2019 send their waste to the existing waste incinerator. The Municipality of Rrogozhine, although belonging to Tirane Qark, will deliver the collected waste to the Elbasan Waste Incineration Plant because of the shorter distance to Elbasan than to Tirane. Nevertheless, there will be a need for a transfer station, which might be used together with Peqin Municipality. Following this argument, the National Sectorial Plan on Solid Waste Management (NSPSWM) (approved by Decision no. 1 of the National Territorial Council on 13.01.2020) forecasted the construction 4 ramp type transfer station in 4 different municipalities of the Region (librazhd, Prrenjas, Gramsh & Peqin) during the first phase of the plan 2018 -2022. Apart from Elbasan, Cerik and Belsh municipalities, all other municipalities are supposed to transport their waste to the WtEP of Elbasan through making a first stop in their ramp type transfer station. In the municipalities of Rrogozhinë and Peqin, municipal SWM plans are currently developed with the support of GIZ. One of the proposed measures is the implementation of separate collection activities and composting. Dry recyclables will separately be collected to a limited extend (assuming a collection rate of 5% of the overall collected waste amount). Separate collection of organic waste will generally not be considered in this waste zone (except for Rrogozhine). Further regional transfer stations are planned for the municipalities of Librazhd, Prrenjas, and Gramsh.