The objective of the Jordanian government is to establish the mindset for a more water-saving use of the available resources together with a more efficient and more cost-effective water distribution. The basis for this objective is the implementation of Jordan’s National Water Strategy 2016-2025.
Within the German support to the Jordanian Water Sector, GIZ is supporting water resources management at Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) and the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) with the objective to improve water efficiency. On the level of utilities, support is provided to improve the operational effectivity of the Yarmouk Water Company (YWC) and Balqa Water Authority. In the wastewater sub-sector, GIZ supports decentralised wastewater and sludge management. Out of the presently 11 operating wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in YWC, 5 have been designed, constructed and funded with German Financial Assistance (FA).
Objective of this assignment is to improve and sustain wastewater treatment operations at YWC through the application of TSM (Technical Sustainable Management) and the reorganisation of the wastewater treatment department of YWC.
GIZ and WAJ have agreed to develop and implement TSM in Jordan for wastewater treatment operations. Selected WWTPs under responsibility of YWC shall serve as pilot plants. Technical sustainable management (TSM) is already introduced in Egypt for wastewater treatment and for drinking water supply. The existing TSM system for Egypt will serve as a frame of reference for developing a TSM model tailored to the Jordanian circumstances.