Preparatory analysis (2 weeks)
- Review of particularly relevant “Quick Win” projects in Nineveh Governorate;
- Brief definition of target community & collection of available data;
- Preliminary assessment of infrastructure condition based data by MoCH;
- Definition of appropriate investment schedules and procurement packages; and
- Summarising relevant regulatory and institutional framework conditions.
Field missions and interviews Baghdad (3 missions, 3 weeks in total);
- Kick-off Meeting with MoCHPM, Gov. representatives, Reconstruction Fund for Areas Affected by Terroristic Operations (ReFAATO) and KfW Development Bank;
- Meetings with relevant stakeholders to identify target communities;
- Interviews with key players for the local market, coordination with executing agencies and other relevant stakeholders of existing similar projects;
- Presentation of preliminary mission results in Bagdad; and
- On-site inspection of infrastructures (if the security situation allows).
Results analysis & elaboration of proposals (3 weeks)
- Analysis of information, ranking and proposal of suitable beneficiaries;
- Analysis of different investment alternatives; proposal of suitable investments for the selected beneficiaries;
- Assessment and proposal of appropriate organizational set-up for the executing agency;
- Implementation plan for a first phase (Quick Win) and a second phase procurement process;
- Presentation of results and recommended investments
- Incorporation of comments from stakeholders into; and
- Elaborate Mission report & results analysis incorporating comments from stakeholders.
Consultant support to MoCH during tendering (3 weeks intermittent missions)
- Preparation of standard tender documents & contracts for approval by KfW;
- Support on Preparation of the work description for the roads and bridges;
- Definition at preliminary design stage of the rehabilitation solution for bridges;
- Support on preparation of technical specifications, BoQ, cost estimates, tender documents and an Environmental and Social Management Plan;
- Documentation of the clarification rounds and support on evaluation of proposals;
- Request for KfW no objection on technical and financial evaluation reports; and
- Support on edition of FIDIC bases contracts.All services are to be described.