The Improved Water and Wastewater Services Programme (IWSP) covered four governorates (Beheira, Gharbia, Sharkia, Damietta) in the Delta region with a total population of 16.3 million and aimed at improving both, the water supply networks and treatment plants and the waste water collection system and treatment.
In addition to the improvements of the physical facilities of the four water and wastewater companies in the four Governorates, the IWSP also provided financing for two technical assistance contracts to further support the capacity development of these four water and wastewater companies (ACs) and the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater.
The overall objective of the TA contract for Lot B was to strengthen the organisational and human capacities of the affiliated companies (ACs) in the four Governorates of Beheira, Gharbia, Sharkia and Damietta in order to better manage complex capital investment projects such as the IWSP and to provide better services to their customers.