Substantial additional funds to our water supply infrastructure project in Burkina Faso
After a successful start, and only 5 months of implementation of our KfW-financed project in Burkina Faso (Prestations de Consultant dans le cadre du Programme d’Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et Assainissement dans les petites et moyennes villes dans les RĂ©gions de la Boucle du Mouhon, Cascades, Hauts-Bassin et Sud-Ouest), a delegation of representatives from KfW and ONEA met GOPA Infra’s team on site in mid-September. Several visits were made and meetings held in different project towns, in order to allow the KfW delegation, in particular, to better understand the project’s needs and constraints, as well as our primary findings.
During GOPA Infra’s summarising presentation at the final meeting in our project office in Bobo-Dioulasso, KfW announced that substantial additional funds have been recently granted to our project by the BMZ, increasing the already remarkable budget of the water-supply infrastructure works by roughly 45%.
GOPA Infra is glad that technical assistance and engineering tasks are also planned to be increased – and, even more importantly, that the project will be much more coherent with the additional budget. This will help enhance, in a sustainable way, water-supply systems in the 16 middle-sized towns spread over the four regions in the south-western part of Burkina Faso, and consequently achieve the rather ambitious project indicators.