New water supply project won in Burkina Faso
GOPA Infra has recently won the jointly financed KfW Development Bank and Burkinabe water supply project called « Prestations de consultant dans le cadre du programme d’approvisionnement en eau potable et assainissement dans les petites et moyennes villes dans les rĂ©gions de la Boucle du Mouhon, Cascades, Hauts-Bassin et Sud-Ouest». The project is part of a huge programme which aims primarily to establish, or to enhance in a sustainable way, the water supply systems in 16 middle-sized towns spread over four regions in the south-western part of Burkina Faso.
The project’s total budget is EUR 14.25m, and it is to be implemented within 55 months (including the 12-months defects notification period). The services to be rendered by GOPA Infra from its base in Bobo-Dioulasso will cover general technical assistance and engineering tasks (from preliminary studies to construction supervision), as well as accompanying measures to help making the substantial investments sustainable.
Together with its international and local joint-venture partners, GOPA Infra is looking forward to successfully implementing the project on behalf of ONEA, the beneficiary, and KfW Development Bank, the main international financing institution.