IURC China project concluded successfully
This month marked the successful conclusion of the EU-funded "International Urban & Regional Cooperation (IURC) China" project, after an impactful three-year journey. Managed by a consortium led by GOPA Infra GmbH, alongside GOPA-GED and VNG (The Netherlands), the initiative aimed to foster cooperation between European and Chinese cities and regions. Its focus was to collaboratively tackle urban development challenges, promoting knowledge exchange, the execution of pilot projects, and cooperation in areas such as sustainable urban development, regional innovation & smart specialization, industrial transformation, peri-urban agriculture, tourism, and job creation.
The project brought together 18 European and 12 Chinese cities and regions, engaging in intensive knowledge and experience exchange through thematic clusters and bilateral partnerships, some of which were established in the project's previous phases.
Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which halted physical site visits until July 2023, the dedicated team of Chinese and European experts, based in both China and Europe, ensured the momentum continued. Over 70 virtual events were organized, including thematic webinars and cooperation workshops, leading to the development of more than 50 knowledge products. The project's final phase saw ten study visits, the creation of ten Cooperation Action Plans (CAPs), and the signing of nine Cooperation Agreements/Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs).
A highlight of the project was “The 15th EU-China High-level Seminar on Regional Policy Cooperation” held on February 27, 2024, in Taicang, China. This pivotal event, attended by officials including Mr. Mattias LENTZ, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to China, and Mr. XIANG Wei, Deputy Director General, the Coordinated Regional Development, showcased the IURC's achievements. European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, H.E. Ms. Elisa FERREIRA, contributed via a video message. The seminar facilitated the signing of further cooperation agreements between European and Chinese cities/regions and featured three panel discussions on key programme topics.
Both EU and Chinese representatives lauded the project's success and encouraged cities and regions to seek support from an upcoming EU programme focusing on cooperation in Eastern Asia, set to launch later this year. GOPA Infra as Consultant highlighted the trustful and intensive collaboration that defined the project.
Additional highlights
Included are photographs captured by a professional photographer at the event and a vibrant IURC infographic:
Picture 1: The IURC China project team with Alexandra Lehmann, Attaché of the
EU Delegation to China, and Dr. Ronald HALL, Senior Advisor, Directorate General
for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, as well as Jürgen Paulussen,
Project Director IURC of GOPA Infra (in the middle)
Picture 2: Project results presented by Team Leader Ms Qian Wang
Picture 3: Panel discussion moderated by Ms Keru Feng, Key Expert for IURC China