GOPA Infra's new project in Brazil

Enhancing Urban Sustainability through Innovative Climate Financing in Brazilian Cities

Sustainable Urban Development (DUS – Desenvolvimento Urbano Sustentável) is a project implemented by GOPA Infra for GIZ to improve the access of Brazilian cities to financing for integrated, inclusive and climate resilient projects.

Although infrastructure needs have increased in urban areas of Brazil, municipalities lack the capacities to develop eligible projects that meet the standards of international financiers or the requirements of the private sector. The project seeks to bridge this implementation gap and improve the alignment between investment needs in cities and financing options. Additionally, it aims to improve the capacities of Brazilian national government institutions in the development of national frameworks, guidelines, and strategies that will support municipal administrations in the structuring of bankable projects.

DUS works with six selected municipalities that have presented integrated, inclusive, and climate resilient projects to be further developed aiming at their financial and economic viability. The municipalities will receive assistance in the development of investment funds, procurement, articulation with financing institutions and fund management authorities, and identification of innovative approaches such as share economy, circular economy and land-based instruments, among others.

The six selected municipalities are Canaã dos Carajás (Pará State), Fortaleza (Ceará State), Nova Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro State), Palmas (Tocantins State), Santo André (São Paulo State) and Uberaba (Minas Gerais State).