Albanian ADF trainees on study tour in Germany
GOPA Infra is currently finalising the water component of the KfW-financed Social Investment Fund (IV) Programme, “Consulting Services for the Implementation of Training Activities for ADF (Albanian Development Fund) Key Training Staff in Albania”.
As one of the final capacity-building measures, a study tour took place from 21 to 24 May 2017, visiting three German water utilities in and around Pforzheim (Stadtwerke Pforzheim, Kommunalen Wasserversorgung Knittlingen and Kommunale Wasserversorgung Niefern-Öschelbronn). It was organised and implemented by EWEC Water GmbH. Fourteen Albanian ADF trainees, one water expert from GOPA Infra Albania, and one representative from GOPA Infra Germany attended the tour.
It was a great success; the Albanian ADF delegation and the German water utilities’ staff members enjoyed the international exchange highlighted by vivid discussions on economic and technical strategies from both sides.