Advancement of vocational education in Egypt

On 20 March 2022, the Egyptian Minister for Education and Technical Education, Dr. Tariq Shawky, and Mr. Mathias Lueg, Managing Director of GOPA Infra, signed a contract for the provision of consultancy services in the framework of the projects “Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education in Egypt” and “Promotion of Sustainable Energy in TVET”. The projects are funded by the KfW Development Bank and the European Union respectively and aim at the advancement of vocational education in Egypt, focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The total investment of approx.  EUR 48m. will cover construction, rehabilitation and equipment of vocational training centres as well as development of curricula and cooperation with the private sector.

Representatives of the European Union, the German Embassy, the KfW Development Bank, GIZ as well as of several national and international partner organisations also attended the signing ceremony.

The consultancy services will be provided by a consortium comprising GOPA Infra, GOPA Worldwide Consultants and ECG (Engineering Consultants Group).