Improvement of water supply and sanitation

Project details
Project volume: 
4,907,404 €
Value of services: 
4,907,404 €
Start of project: 
July, 2000
End of project: 
June, 2009
Project background: 

At the end of the war in Kosovo in 1999, large parts of the water supply infrastructure in the urban areas of Kosovo were destroyed, water losses were considerable and water tariffs were insufficient to cover operating costs; in addition, operation, organisation and management of the municipal water utilities were weak.

Project description: 

The consulting services of the programme were first directed to the utilities in 9 municipalities in the Prishtina, Prizren and Peja regions.  In May 2003, the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) started the regionalisation (aggregation) of water supply and wastewater disposal services. Regional utilities were set up which were to supply all the towns and cities in Kosovo with a few exceptions. From 2005 onwards, the GTZ programme specifically supported the set-up and consolidation of the regional companies in the Peja area.

Phase I – III (07/2000 – 12/2002): Assistance of UNMIK/ KTA in the preparation of draft statutes for the water companies; preparation of proposals for the establishment, organisation and tasks of a regulatory authority; review of the water legislation; assessment of the situation of the water utilities in the project area (deficit analysis) and training needs assessment. Assistance to the utilities in budget preparation, tariff setting, customer administration, collection procedures, organisational management, accounting and financial control; training in all organisational and technical aspects; blockmapping for registration of connections/ customers and training in Prishtina.

Phase IV (01/2003 – 12/2003): Continuation of the above activities for assisting UNMIK/ KTA and the water utilities as well as staff training. Extension of blockmapping to Peja. Evaluation of assets in Peja to support investment planning for KfW investment projects.

Phase V (01/2004 – 12/2004): Continuation of the above activities for assisting UNMIK/ KTA and the water utilities as well as staff training. Extension of blockmapping to Prizren. Evaluation of assets in Prizren to support investment planning for KfW investment projects. Support in consolidating the municipal utilities in Peja and Prizren regions into two regional water companies, in accordance with the consolidation strategy of UNMIK/ KTA.

Phase VI - VII (01/2005 – 06/2009): Supporting the institutional and organisational development of the regional water company Hidrodrini in Peja with operational units in 5 municipalities (and upon request to Hidroregjioni Jugor in Prizren) and ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations of the Water and Waste Regulatory Office (WWRO). Furthermore, support in meeting the organisational, technical and financial qualification criteria for further investment support through KfW.

Service description: 
  • Management advice as well as legal and policy advice;
  • Definition of concession areas and statutes;
  • Improvement of commercial/ financial management, tariff setting, billing, fee collection, accounting, financial control;
  • Drafting of organisation structures, development of job descriptions, training;
  • Development of a concept for a water sector regulatory authority;
  • Development of operation and maintenance procedures;
  • Registration of house connections through blockmapping and establishment of customer databases;
  • Asset evaluation as a basis for investment planning for KfW investment projects; and
  • Development and implementation of a business plan for Hidrdrini/Peja.

Specific activities during Phases VI and VII:

a) Institutional support

  • Fine-tuning of statutes and service contracts with municipalities; preparation of new customer contracts;
  • Revision of organisation structure, job descriptions, staff contracts and salary structure;
  • Assistance in implementing the rules and regulations of the Water and Waste Regulatory Office (WWRO) in the fields of licensing, tariff setting, supply standards, accounting, performance monitoring, business planning;
  • Improvements in billing, accounting, tariff setting, fee collection;
  • Establishment of a customer service department; and
  • Introduction of internal reporting procedures and an MIS.

b) Technical support

  • Continuation of blockmapping and asset evaluation in the entire supply area; completion of customer database and asset inventory;
  • Setup of a maintenance database and development of maintenance schedules and routines;
  • Implementation of a GIS for all assets with links to the customer database and the maintenance database; and
  • Development of a non-revenue water strategy comprising reduction of illegal connections, leak detection, and improved metering and collection procedures; setup of a leakage control department including training of staff.